Meet the

From Street to SUITE. Brilliant minds with diverse skill set, impactful and notable achievements. They bring Value on Arrival and are passionate about problem solving.

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Global chat with young Africans

Join us as world's bright mind exchange ideas with African Smartans


State of the Future

Smartan Projecting companies with:- Strategies analysis : profiling : Data analyis : Tech driven future projection

Elite Smartan Project

About Elite Smartan Project.

The Elite Smartan project is a 10 year talent tracking and development programme that seeks to support high performing teens from their early senior secondary stages through the Higher institution.

The objective of the project is to identify high performers, create ecosystems of support, aggregate them in communities of practice and mainstream their achievement to help shap youth culture.

We seek to have supported and tracked the progress of at least 40,000 Smartans by 2040.

Benefits of Elite Smartan Programme for Smartans

Access to the Elite Smartan community of practice for internships

Access to the Achievers' Consortium growth acceleration programme on campus

Lightfield House Talent tracking database

Smartan Crucible


Welcome to the Smartan Crucible: an 8-week transformative journey for teenagers.

This is where we unlock hidden potentials, reshape narratives, and sculpt teenage minds, as they emerge as the best version of themselves.

They master essential life skills in communication, presentation, work ethics, emotional intelligence, spirituality, and tech proficiency.

Join the transformative experience—8 weeks to redefine your future.

The Elite Smartan Circle is made up of 36 Smartans for Federal Government Colleges. The Circle will be cordinated by a school appointed Mentor (A teacher in the school).

Recent Smartans

Crucible Stories


Our Smartan Stories


Pre Smartan Square



Johnson Abbaly

Founder of Smartan House

Iyin Aboyeji

Telcy Okundia

Osita Ergbubine

Taiye Ojo Erhunwense